Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keeping an Exterior Door in Square.

If you own a mobile home, you've probably had a reason to replace a window or a door. With everything else, there are many right ways and wrong ways to do something. This post deals exclusively with Mobile Home Exterior Doors, not Combination Doors.

This is an issue even for the author. The last exterior door I replaced was out of square. The door would pop open, and shutting it was difficult. It was pulling one way, rather than opening and closing smoothly. Many things can affect the squareness of the door..

  • Offset Studs
  • Rotten Studs
  • If the home has set (USE A LEVEL)
  • The order in which screws are screwed into the frame...

Regarding the last one, try this:

  1. Check the studs and floor with a level. Sit door.
  2. Place one screw beside the hinges on one side (opposite of the door knob)
  3. Install the door knob and open and shut the door. 
  4. If the door pulls or pops, make your adjustments till the door operates smoothly.
  5. Screw in the frame around the door knob.
  6. Place reset of the screws.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weatherizing your Mobile Home - Insulating Water Heaters!?

People who own older homes (70s models) will find this blog post more useful. 

Every opening, seam, utility and light bulb represents a potential energy drain. Even curtains have an impact
on your heating and cooling cost! Water heaters are often over looked. 

In older model homes, the water heater was only accessible outside through a metal door.
The only thing between your water heater and the cold is a metal door!

As such, water heaters represent a potential energy waste. In the winter, the elements have to kick on
more often to keep the water warm, costing more in electricity. Purchasing a newer more efficient water heater won't fix the problem. You need to insulate the water heater.

Insulate the water heater? What magic is this? Isn't my water heater insulated already!?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, but you can make it better. Check out:

Hot Water Heater Insulation Jacket

The insulation jacket works just like a..jacket. It is an additional barrier between the elements are your 
hot water. Just like in the snow, layering helps!