Monday, January 16, 2012

Replace the whole mobile home faucet or look for washers?

Replace the whole mobile home faucet or look for washers?

Your bathroom or kitchen faucet is leaking. Your Options:

  1.  Try to replace the washer or valve. 
  2.  Drop $20 dollars and replace the whole faucet 

Let us break these options down, if you don't want to read any further, just replace the faucet.

Options 1 (and why it is bad):

Why replace spend $20s when the o-ring is 50 cents? Finding the exact o-ring is equivalent to finding a
$1000 dollar bill on the ground. It's out there..somewhere..waiting for you to walk past it. Good Luck.

99% of the time (1% margin of error), everyone who turned down a replacement faucet come back and
buy the replacement faucet in the end. It is nearly impossible to find the exact o-ring, sorry.

This is what your will look like at the end of option 1:

Option 2 (the correct answer):

Remember the saying 'do it right the first time', 'measure twice, cut once'? This is just like that. Replacing a mobile home faucet takes about 30 minutes, and you have a new faucet, not the old worn one which has already broken once.

Replace it quick and easy and get out of there before your wife decides to do any more renovating!

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