Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keeping an Exterior Door in Square.

If you own a mobile home, you've probably had a reason to replace a window or a door. With everything else, there are many right ways and wrong ways to do something. This post deals exclusively with Mobile Home Exterior Doors, not Combination Doors.

This is an issue even for the author. The last exterior door I replaced was out of square. The door would pop open, and shutting it was difficult. It was pulling one way, rather than opening and closing smoothly. Many things can affect the squareness of the door..

  • Offset Studs
  • Rotten Studs
  • If the home has set (USE A LEVEL)
  • The order in which screws are screwed into the frame...

Regarding the last one, try this:

  1. Check the studs and floor with a level. Sit door.
  2. Place one screw beside the hinges on one side (opposite of the door knob)
  3. Install the door knob and open and shut the door. 
  4. If the door pulls or pops, make your adjustments till the door operates smoothly.
  5. Screw in the frame around the door knob.
  6. Place reset of the screws.


  1. ...since you didn't address #1 and #2 ...does that mean you don't even want to go there?

  2. Your information is beneficial for us as we are working in home help company who provides support to people for their home and home care.

  3. Useful piece of information although you left number 1 and 2 unaddressed. Nevertheless, these are already useful tips for readers.
    Glass Doors

  4. Thank you for the tips! I recently installed new siding and had to remove the front door. It hasn't been straight since! I'm gonna go back and try to fix it again and use your advise!
